On 27 May 2020, a National Strategic Special Zone bill was passed in Japan’s House of Councilors with the purpose of facilitating the development of “Super Cities” – experimental cities that exploit high technology such as artificial intelligence and big data.
In such a “Super City”, demonstrations of experimental technologies such as self-driving cars, delivery drones and telemedicine will be performed with data collected from citizens and companies.

The government plans to start selecting municipalities to be designated as “Super City” from this summer and will designate five such cities after this autumn.
For more details on the Super City Initiative – review an introductory video published by the government.
Contact us to learn more about these plans and how such programs could affect real estate prices
Source: NHK web 2020-05-27 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200527/k10012447081000.html

Ryuta Hojo is in the Sales Division at Housing Japan. He speaks Japanese, English and Chinese and helps our clients to acquire an ideal home in Japan. He researches market trends and news thoroughly to be able to provide the most salient information and give the right advice acting on the buyer’s side.